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Board of Health Minutes 06/05/09
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h

M i n u t e s

Friday, June 5th 2009
Chilmark Town Hall

Present:  Mike Renahan, Jan Buhrman

Also Present:   Kent Healy (Civil Engineering), Marina Lent (Secretary), Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying and Engineering)

Gamson (30-60)  Kent Healy presented a proposal to add to the existing leaching capacity of a system servicing an existing 3-bedroom house constructed in the 1970s.  The existing system has a 1,000 gallon tank and leaching pit, and the leaching pit has been overflowing of late with increased use of the dwelling. The proposal calls for the addition of an overflow pipe to a proposed 2x9 field, expanding the leaching capacity of the system.  Soils are class one, and the proposal includes a variance to 105’ for the separation of leaching system to the existing well.   The Board approved the proposed upgrade.

Osnoss (12-68)  Jan Buhrman did not participate in review of this item.  Kent Healy reported on an out-of-season test hole which had been examined by Soil Evaluator Liz Gude, showing no ground water accumulation at 10 feet after 24 hours.  Since the Board did not have a quorum for review of this item, a plan will be considered at the next meeting of the Board.

Bell (19-41)  A Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Inspection Report from Doug Cooper shows that “the guest cabin cesspool was found fully surcharged at the time of inspection and is probably being influenced by groundwater infiltration and clay soils.”  The Board asked Marina Lent to send a registered letter to the owner, ordering repair of the system within 90 days.

Lee (33-123) A well permit application was approved by the Board on 3/19/2009, subject to receipt by the Board of a letter stating that they are aware of the fact that the well-to-septic separation is less than the 150’ required by BOH regulations.  The well completion report was received 5/22/2009, including potability tests negative for bacteria.  Reid Silva proposes to build a septic system, and will have to do an out-of-season deep observation hole/perc test.  He stated that he intends to do that as soon as possible.

Middle Line Road (13-43) The final permit, for the firewell on AP13-43.1, was signed following receipt of a map and drawing of the well’s location on the parcel.  The Board also reviewed what options might be available to dig a replacement well for AP13-43.2 rental site 2, which had come up dry.  One possibility, of going under the road to adjacent lot, was discussed, but will have to be reviewed.  Reid Silva will bring a permit application to the Board for approval at its next meeting.

Krause (29-23)  Marina Lent will collect all available records for Board review to determine whether the Board’s conditions for operation and management of the shared system are being met.

Nab’s Corner (11-45)  Reid Silva presented the proposed subdivision plan which involves a swap between Hillman, the MV Land Bank and the Town.  The plan shows building envelopes on the property; septic plans have not yet been drawn up.  The Planning Board is looking for a letter of approval from the Board of Health, indicating that the plan appears viable in terms of sewage disposal.  Reid noted that, while soils are better at the lower elevation, all are viable.  The Board approved the provisional subdivision plan, and requested Marina Lent to notify the Planning Board of same.

Goodman (8-16)  Septic inspection report from Doug Cooper received; system passes.  

Menemsha Comfort Station (21-1) as-built received

Rabban (8-16)  as-built received

Updating BOH Regulations  The Board considered a revised draft Separation Table for Section 3 Onsite Disposal Systems of its Regulations.  The Board asked Marina Lent to come back with further information on Public Drinking Water protection zones for consideration at its next meeting.

Homeport Restaurant (27.1-85)  A letter from the DPH Food Protection Program was received by the Board, asking for the Board’s permit approval and inspection results of a request from the Homeport for a retail food store permit.  Marina Lent reported on a conversation with Linda Sperandio, Food Safety Compliance Coordinator, who confirmed having received a request for a Division of Marine Fisheries Permit for Menemsha Homeport retail fish store.  She explained that the local Board of Health is the authority which must license and inspect all retail food operations, and that no permit to operate can be granted without local BOH approval. The Board felt that the Homeport is probably intending to apply for a wholesaler’s permit.  Marina Lent will follow up with David Zeilinger for clarification.

Beach Event Application  The Board approved an application for an event on Menemsha Beach, August 2nd, to be catered by Bill Smith’s Clambake Company.

Temporary Food Permit Applications  The Board approved Temporary Food Permit applications for the MV Film Festival and for the sale of Lobster Rolls at the Chilmark Community Church;  the Board also clarified that organizations holding multiple events in a series must purchase a Temporary Food Permit for each separate event in the series.

Tight Tank Pump-Out Permits  The Board reviewed a request from the owner of the Menemsha Galley Restaurant, Frank Fenner, for the development of a Seasonal Pumpout Permit for commercial establishments with tight tank disposal systems.  Mike Renahan felt that there was no clear justification for permitting some tight tank owners to pay what would amount to a reduced permit fee.  The Board decided to hold off on a decision on this matter until there had been an opportunity for a full discussion.

Poole (27.1-109)  The Board reviewed a compilation of available information presented by Marina Lent.  The Board felt that the potential problems facing this system, and the probable over-use of the available system capacity would have to be addressed.  The Board asked Marina Lent to send a letter to property owner Everett Poole, detailing the available information on the system and inviting dialogue on how to move forward.

Beach Testing 2009  Marina Lent reported that the bathing beach testing is being carried out for four of the public swimming beach sites by Kayla Mastromonaco of the Beach Department, and that the Land Bank is testing the two beaches under its purview.  Marina Lent has asked Kayla Mastromonaco to submit mileage traveled for this task to the BOH for compensation.  Testing is done at the Wampanoag Water Testing Laboratory in Aquinnah, under contract with the Department of Environmental Protection.

Public Nursing Contract FY’10  The Board reviewed materials submitted by Bob Tonti, head of the Vineyard Nursing Association, regarding the FY’10 public nursing contract with the Town of Chilmark.  The Board noted proposed changes from last year’s contract, and will make further inquiries regarding options for FY’10.

Tent Permit application:  A tent permit application for Wilson (18-117) at 13 Rockrose Path was approved by the Board.

Martha’s Vineyard Regional Refuse District  Mike Renahan asked Marina Lent to follow up with MVRD Director Don Hatch regarding attendance of Chilmark BOH representative Alex Preston at recent meetings of the District, and to request that meeting minutes be routinely transmitted to the BOH office in a timely manner as per previous request.

Invoices:  The following invoices were received and approved for payment:
·       SSA charges for cancelled trip:  $ 135.00
The Board requested that the Town Accountant transfer charges for a wheelchair-accessible porta-pottie at Lucy Vincent Beach to the Parks and Recreation Department.

The meeting adjourned at 5pm.

_______________________         _______________________                  _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair               Michael A. Renahan                        Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                Chilmark Board of Health               Chilmark Board of Health

A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.